I think that people are cognizant of the importance of animals to teach us better traits we can use to take care of one another. Cross-species compassion happens. Today on Facebook we saw the elephant carry the tiny lion cub to help it while its mother strolled nearby. The animals are better humanitarians than we often are.
Our discarded children are everywhere: in car seats in hot cars, in trash dumpsters, in foster care, in institutions, and everywhere in war-torn countries. The hope of the future is abused, spanked, restrained, and punished; alone in their world, still loving the abusive parent. These relationships are passed on from one generation of child-abusing parents, to yet another, then another until all humanity is lost and futures are ruined forever. The changes we need to see in the world today cannot be brought about by those who created the problems we face. The solutions to these problems lie with the children of today.
The impertinence of those who devalue children is outrageous. It is a common, universal problem on this planet. We have planetary karma, and abusing children hurts all of us. We are connected to the little ones. I love them so much. You should, too. You have a duty to children even if they are not yours. They belong to the universe. They need your help everywhere.
illustration by Carolyn Reed