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Love and fear

Writer's picture: Darcy ReedDarcy Reed

I need to discuss the relationship the people have with each other in this world. People love each other dearly when they can. When they can’t, then they fear each other. It seems these two emotions drive most of our human interactions. Sometimes, people even love the person or thing they fear. Humans are so complicated. The worst example of this are the soldiers who love their country so much they need to kill others because their leader said so.

I wonder if the fears we have serve more purpose than we think. I know we have the fears for good reasons. Instinctual survival, for instance, requires fear. However, when people spend their lives in fear, they are unable to give love adequately to others because they are afraid of others.

The highest love can cure fear. That’s one thing people are unaware of. The highest love doesn’t care what happens because it knows that love survives all calamities, even death. The highest love can heal the world. Fear can destroy it. One of our primary responsibilities as people is to overcome fear with love.

A perfect example of how love and fear affect your everyday lives is the situation where you have a filthy house and you need to clean it. Do you clean it up with a sense of fear about what happens if you don’t, or do you clean it up out of love for your family and their need for a nice place? One’s life quality can be regarded by how you are motivated: by love, or by fear. If it’s by love, congratulations. If it’s by fear, you have my condolences.


Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1549399">klimkin</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1549399">Pixabay</a>



Jun 25, 2019

It seems that there is a third primary driver of our actions, even more primal than fear or love. This is Need. We forget about need because it is so primal, but we forget it at our peril.

We can need food and drink without fearing what will happen if we don't get them, and without any special love for those who provide them. But both fear and love help us to recognize Need in others, and strive to meet their need. Many of us see Need in the concentration camps along our southern border; both Fear of consequences for our nation and Love for our fellow humans drive our outraged responses to this obvious Need, but it is the…


Jun 23, 2019

I think it has something to do with our first love, which is our parents. A lot of parents teach their children to fear them out of respect. They give consequences and have expectations for everything. If you don’t clean your room you’re grounded or worse you are spanked. The children continue to love their parents but fear them as well. After being in a relationship like that for 18+ years you are bound to have that model of a loving relationship engrained in your psyche.

Your parent teaches you that you have to have the house cleaned or she will be disappointed and/ or you will be grounded/spanked.

Parents don’t tell you to clean the house out of love…


Jun 20, 2019

a shaman told my son his soul was stolen by a girl named Rachel , his sisters name is Rachel and he dated a Rachel. can he get it back? ..he has some really bad attachments and can't shake them , and the relation ship between him and his sister is getting ugly ,I hate to see the discord ...btw they are both adults now in there 30's. Thank you

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